Top Dog at The Harrison: Coco

Nickname: Coco Loco
Breed: Pomeranian
Treat Of Choice: Mini-Dingos are my favorite…also Greenies.
Greatest loves: My mom is definitely my number one love. But I also enjoy running wildly down the hallway, quacking at the slightest provocation; anything that even smells like a treat; a freshly-washed fluffy bed; and trips to Carmel where people dote on me and tell me I’m adorable.
Pet peeves: More than anything in the world, I hate when my dad picks me up and holds me in the air like a stuffed animal. Other pet peeves include knocks on the door, or the ring of a doorbell; when someone tries to take any of my (many) toys; knots in my fur; attempts to brush my teeth; and not being the center of attention when my brother is around.
Favorite neighborhood establishments: The Embarcadero (EmBARKadero); birthday parties next door at 333 Harrison with my friend Scooby; and The Harrison Grand Salon—everyone there is nice and gives me a hug.
Favorite spot in my high-rise home: My absolute favorite spot is the little crevice between the column and the wall in our living room, where no one can see me. I also like my little yellow Ferrari car bed in the guest room.
Favorite perks at The Harrison: I like the Pantry, especially the crumbs that people leave on the ground, and the staff in the Grand Salon—they always open the door for me and say hello every morning.
Morning routine: I typically wake up the very second that my parents stir in the other room. Immediately, I start to scuffle around and quack. I quack A LOT. Then I tell my brother to get in on the action and make noise. Eventually, after I get food, my mom takes me to the best area for peeing outside One Rincon Hill.
Top tricks: I’m really good at jumping off couches, beds and other high surfaces that give my parents a scare…every time. I’m also great at yoga stretches (by the way, downward dog is so cliche) and organizing my toys into little clusters around the apartment.
Guilty pleasures: Peeing on the white-and-blue carpet (very hard to clean); listening to Carly Rae Jepsen (Call Me Maybe); and staring at myself in the mirror. I find it very soothing.
Most embarrassing story: I’m 5 years old and I wear a diaper. End of story.
Where I first laid eyes on my mom/dad/family: At first I was chasing my brothers around, antagonizing them and trying to bite their tails. Then, my mom came into the room. She picked me up off the floor, gave me a kiss and the rest is history.
Follow me on social media @: My parents manage my social media presence, you can follow them at @GabyDellan and @samuelbrock0116 on Instagram.
Tell us a little about your owner: My mom and dad work on television. My Mom is a weathercaster for Telemundo 48 and my Dad is a reporter for NBC Bay Area. Therefore, I’m a bilingual doggie 🙂